Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Venice - The City built on Water

After leaving Pisa, we took the train back to Florence and then to Venice, not really the most convenient way to travel. We arrived in Venice in the afternoon and took a bus to our hotel, where we dropped all of our things and then headed across the bridge into the city built on water. We walked around and got hopelessly lost because the map did not have any street names, but I don't even think knowing where we were would have helped. So we wandered around aimlessly crossing bridges and walking along the narrow streets until we happened upon a plaza, where we ate dinner. Luckily the plazas were listed on the map and with a little help from police officers and people in the streets along the way, we found our way back to our hotel. The next morning we had a quick breakfast and then did some more sightseeing. Most of the shops in Venice sold glass and masks. The masks were the most detailed, stunning masks I have ever seen. I cannot believe the variety and the craftsmanship that goes into each mask. The glass was also very unique and is Murano glass, which is a small island near Venice, where all of the glass is imported. We also stumbled into a shop, where the store owner was making jewelry. He has a little torch and was adding bits of colorful glass to earrings. I really enjoyed walking around/getting lost in Venice. It is a very unique city and one of my favorite cities!
View from one of the many bridges in Venice


1 comment:

  1. Hi kiddo. Just got home from Brittany's last ballet, beautiful. Venice is one place I would like to revisit. I think a week would cover the whole place. When it rains they put down wooden planks to get from one place to another. I liked the Murano glass place too. Didn't you just love the little shops on the brick pathways? We also saw some mimes dressed in different costumes and masks. Neat little restaurants too. My friend, Irene, and I stayed in a B&B there, but I don't think I could take you to it, to much winding around the different streets. Well, on to the next exciting place, Pisa. Love you, GG
