Monday, April 11, 2011


My roommate Megan and I went to Nerja, a beach about 2 hours away from Granada, a few Sundays ago. We started our journey bright and early arriving at the beach by 11. As soon as we arrived, we began our hunt for sunscreen. Well being a Sunday in Spain means all of the shops were closed, so needless to say no sunscreen for us. We laid out most of the day, only taking a break to grab a quick lunch and of course some gelato to cool us down. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and very relaxing. Just what I needed before the start of midterms. We hopped on the bus at 5 and headed home. On our way home, I realized I was getting uncomfortably warm and by the end of the ride, I was my own personal oven. I guess not wearing sunscreen all day will do that to you. I ended up looking like a lobster for a few days, which was a lot of fun! I definitely learned my lesson and will be sure to buy sunscreen before I go to the beach next time!! I am hoping to post about my trip with my parents in the next few days and then I will be in Italy for 10 days :) So look forward to more posts soon.


1 comment:

  1. Well, here I go again. Don't know what I am doing wrong with this comment!!! Out at Dan's watching D & B & friend, Trevor. Paige is in Rockfor, horse business. They have a new little girl pony, couple weeks old. Looking for a name beginning with a G. I mentioned Ginger, Gabby, Gabe, Gina, Gabreille(a), etc. Nerja looks beautiful, Someday I'll have to get to Spain, besides Madrid. Love you, Grandma G., hi to Spanish "mom" and roommate.
