Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I was so excited to return to Granada and show my parents where I had been living for the last few months. I love playing tour guide! We dropped their luggage off at the hotel and then walked towards my house. I had always wanted to try this cafe near my house, so I asked my parents to wait for me while I deposited my luggage back at my house. My host mom gave me a huge hug and Hare the dog was jumping all over me. Then I went upstairs and found my roommate Megan. She had just returned from Morocco and had a great time. I asked her to come to lunch with us and so we headed back to the cafe to meet my parents. We had a great lunch and then I walked my parents back towards their hotel. I walked back to my house and unpacked and got ready for dinner. Megan joined us at Poe, one of my favorite tapas restaurants. We also saw my friend Mariah and her mom while we were there. They had just returned from Italy and her mom’s luggage had gotten lost. She had to spend the whole trip without it. I can’t even imagine.  
The next day I had class in the morning, so my parents toured the Alhambra. I met them after my class and we walked to my house to have lunch with Amparo. Amparo had spent the last two days preparing paella for lunch. We had a great lunch where Megan and I desperately tried to translate. It was difficult to keep changing between English and Spanish, but we managed. At the end of lunch, Amparo surprised me with a cake. I had an afternoon class, so I walked with my parents back towards their hotel. We met up with some of my friends for dinner at another tapas restaurant.
The following morning, my parents and I walked around Granada. We went to the cathedral, which was covered with white marble. It was one of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen. We then met up with Amparo and Megan and walked up in the Albayzin.

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