Sunday, March 13, 2011

Madrid and Toledo

Two weeks ago, I went to Madrid and Toledo for the weekend. I took a night bus Friday night and arrived at 5:30 am Saturday morning. My friend Alex and I went to the hostel, left our luggage and then got a jump start on sightseeing. We walked around Madrid for a few hours, just getting a feel for the city and then we headed to the Museo del Prado. My favorite piece of artwork was Las Meninas by Velazquez. I have studied this painting in school, so to see it in person was amazing. The museum contains mostly religious paintings and famous painters such as Goya. After the Prado, we continued to the basilica. Most of the paintings were done by Goya and the inside was absolutely beautiful. A tour guide lead us around the basilica, pointing out important symbolism in the paintings. Once we had finished seeing the basilica, we decided to take a short siesta, since we had been walking for over 8 hours. After our siesta we went to the Reina Sofia to see the more modern Spanish paintings. These included paintings by Picasso, Dali, and Miro. The Guernica painting by Picasso is huge, it covers the entire wall of one room! The following morning, we got up early to visit the palace. This was by far my favorite spot in Madrid. The rooms were amazing. Walking around surrounded by beautiful architecture, paintings, and furniture. I felt like a Princess ;) We then went to the park in Madrid, which is similar to Central Park. We walked around, watched a soccer game, and saw the boat house. After an exciting two days in Madrid, it was off to Toledo.

We took the morning train to Toledo, which took about 20 minutes. Toledo is a beautiful city completely surrounded by a wall built for protection. When we reached Toledo, we did not have an agenda, so we just wandered around and stumbled upon different buildings, such as an old mosque and a church. After spending the day getting lost in Toledo, we took the train back to Madrid and then caught our bus home. Overall it was a great trip and I saw so many beautiful things.
Ceiling of the Basilica 
Inside the Basilica 
Alex and I in front of the Palace
Inside the Palace
Inside the Palace
Hasta Luego,


  1. Hi EB!!!!!!!!

    those buildings were sooooooooooooo cool!!!!!! I really miss you:(
    I'm glad you're having fun :)


  2. Elizabeth,
    You really seem to be enjoying yourself exploring all of the sites and culture of Espana. You will be quite the travel guide by the time we arrive. We are so excited for our visit!
    Mom and Dad

  3. Hey Ebby,

    So glad you updated! We've been wondering how you are. Toledo looks amazing! How cool to just be wondering around that city all day.

    Aunt Tessie

  4. Elizabeth, HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY! I know its not until Sunday but was afraid I would forget. Hope your mom and dad got there ok and you are ready for some r&r with them. was thinking about sending you a new titanium driver but didn't know where to ship it :-) looks lik your trip is amazing, enjoy and know we are thinking of you with love. Denise G.

  5. Hey birthday girl, I must be doing something wrong on blogging you, 'cuz I haven't seen any of my comments!!! Here I go again. Beautiful and sunny here today, but still coooool. Can't wait to see your blog with mom & dad included. Guess I missed a lot of Spain when I went there for a weekend. I'll have to go back there sometime with you if you haven't seen it all. Isn't traveling great? Enjoy your birthday, you're only 21 once. April and May and then who knows what great things will happen with us. Love, Grandma Ginny

  6. WOW. I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all by myself too. It wasn't that hard to figure out at all. Your birthday present will be something you might want to get on our trip, besides the one I have for you here. Ta, Ta LOL, GG

  7. I am amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! This technology stuff is getting better for us seniors. Agree? Third time is a charm, so I think I have this comment stuff down pat. Have a beautiful b-day and adios, lyl , GG
