Thursday, February 24, 2011


Scary living statues!!

Entrance to the market

Fruit stand

Levitating Statue

Allison and I by the port 


Overlooking Barcelona from the top of the cathedral 

Entrance of Park Guell

Sagrada Familia

Last weekend I went to Barcelona. The trip started off a bit rough when my flight was delayed an hour. After finally boarding the plane and getting ready for take-off, the little girl behind me started getting sick. Once I landed in Barcelona, I hurried off the plane to meet my friend Allison. She was suppose to get in just a few minutes after me, so I waited excitedly at the arrival area. After about 20 minutes I began to get impatient and checked the board to see if maybe her flight had been delayed. Nope, it had arrived over 30 minutes ago. Finally after waiting another half hour, I finally saw her. We did not realize that there were 2 terminals, so we were each waiting for the other at the wrong terminal oops. Luckily Allison realized the mistake and came to find me. We took a taxi to our hostel and then woke up the next morning ready to sightsee. During the next two days we went to the cathedral, Las Ramblas, a huge open-air market, the Sagrada Familia, and Park Guell. My favorite part was Las Ramblas. It is a large sidewalk with little shops along the sides as well as living statues. There were flower shops, souvenir shops, and also pet shops. You could buy bunnies, chicks, ducklings, birds, and little turtles, which was a bit odd to me. You can give the living statues money and then take pictures with them. There was quite a variety, scary ones that would jump out when you gave them money and fairies that would grant you wishes. The cathedral and the Sagrada Familia were still both under construction and Allison and I went up to the top of the cathedral, where we could see a 360 degree view of Barcelona. During our time in Barcelona we met quite a few people from different European countries. I absolutely loved Barcelona, it is a very unique city and I hope to go back someday!!


1 comment:

  1. The pictures from Barcelona are really cool! Will likes the living statues. He said the levitating guy must be sitting on an invisible stool!
