Sunday, February 13, 2011

First week of classes and the Alhambra

Last week was my first week of classes. So far, I really like all of my classes and I am excited because I can actually understand a majority of what my professors are saying! I only have classes from Monday to Thursday, which is quite nice. I am currently taking a grammar class, a theater class, a class about traditional Andalucian (region in southern Spain, where Granada is located) literature, Arab world in the West, and biology. All of my classes incorporate Granada and I will be going on many field trips. In my theater class, we will be going to a few plays during the semester. In my biology class we will visit areas around Granada and explore the different ecosystems. I am looking forward to all of my classes!

On Saturday I went on a paseo with some of my friends up to the Alhambra. We walked around the gardens and went into the church, where King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were originally buried. They we later moved to the cathedral in the center of Granada. I plan to go back and actually go inside the Alhambra next time I am there.

I am still having a great time and will be going to Barcelona next weekend!!!


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