Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry it is a day late. Yesterday for lunch, my host mom made us flan in the shape of a heart, surrounded with strawberries and whip cream. It was delicious. She also hung balloons from the ceiling. Whenever we have lunch, she always prepares it so beautifully. The other day we had pasta salad with orange slices around the salad making it look like the sun. She told Megan and I that she use to decorate the plate with fruit, so her youngest daughter would eat the fruit because it looked pretty :)

Yesterday in class I learned an interesting fact. Apparently in Spain and Europe in general, they only acknowledge 5 continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and America (there is no separation between North and South). They also do not considered Antarctica a continent. So Grandma, I guess you only needed to visit 5 continents ;) I was quite surprised by this fact and thought I would share it with everyone. I have also learned that whenever we are asked our nationality, we need to say that we are from the United States and not American. The Spanish are very confused when they hear you are American because they associate that with both North and South America.

I am off to Barcelona this weekend, so I will make sure to post pictures and blog about my time as soon as I get back. I will also be going to my first Spanish play on Sunday for my theater class.

Muchos besos,



  1. Hi Elizabeth!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too! We miss you and are glad you are having so much fun!

    Love, The Bucklars

  2. EB,
    hi! it's Anna. how r u ? i REALLY miss u. talk to u later.


    Your God Daughter

  3. Hi Anna!!! I miss you too. Maybe we could try to skype next weekend?? Tell your family I say hi ;) Love you lots!

