Thursday, June 9, 2011

Safari "The Big Five"

After landing on the longest runway in the Southern Hemisphere, we were met by a driver who drove us to the game reserve. When we arrived, most of the staff was waiting to meet us. We were the only people staying there that night, so we had the place to ourselves. We had a quick lunch and then went out on our first safari. Marvin was our driver and Joel was our tracker. It is amazing how they pick up animal tracks and can follow them. We were able to see lions, giraffes, impalas, hippos, baboons, and zebras. After an eventful first ride, we went back to our room and got dressed for dinner. We had to get to bed early because Marvin told us he would be calling at 5:30 to wake us up.

I felt like I had just fallen asleep, when the next thing I know Marvin is calling. We quickly got up and dressed and then headed to meet Marvin and Joel. Once again we saw a lot of animals including elephants. However, the best part of the day by far occurred at lunch. We were eating outside when all of the sudden we noticed a little monkey in the tree. One of the waitresses started shooing it away, but grandma said she wanted to take a picture of it. No sooner had she taken her camera out of its case, the money had swung down run across the patio, and snatched the piece of bread right off grandma's plate. It was absolutely hilarious, I could not stop laughing.

Our afternoon safari was also quite entertaining. About an hour into it, these two guys joined us. I cannot even fathom where they might have been. We were in the middle of nowhere and they were an hour late. We were having a little snack and all of the sudden I hear a phone ringing. I look over and the guys picks it up and answers it. I could not believe it. I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and tell us we just got punked. Then we are out on the drive and he gets another phone call. It was unreal. Then Marvin takes us to see some elephants and the guy is absolutely terrified. It was quite an interesting night to say the least.

Our last game drive of the trip, we went out in the morning. At first we were not really seeing too much and I was beginning to get a little disappointed. Then Marvin begins radioing back and forth with another driver. He had spotted two cheetahs. The next thing I know, Marvin is telling Joel to get out of the truck. Then Marvin turns to grandma and I and tell us we will be following him. I of course am wearing flip-flops and thinking he cannot be serious. He tells us we have to stay in a single file line and if another animal comes, we need to remain still. I am now having a heart attack. Joel and Marvin are whistling back and forth to one another and then we see Joel. He is close to a cheetah eating a water bug (similar to an antelope). I am absolutely stunned. Here we are standing less than 10 feet away from a cheetah. There were two of them, one would eat while the other one kept watch and then they would switch. It was definitely one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I am glad that is how we ended our journey and that we were not eaten ;)
Sunset the first night. 

Baby White Rhino

Giraffe and wildebeest 

Hippo (most dangerous animal in Africa)



Water Buffalo 


Elephants taking a dirt bath 

1 comment:

  1. The cheetahs were amazing. Cathy and I walked a lot before the trip but when she heard we were so close to the cheetahs she didn't think I could run fast enough from them in case they came after us. This episode was even better than seeing the other part of the '"big five", the leopard. I thought Ebby would publish my famous "hat" picture, but that might show up in another trip. She did get a little upset when I ordered giraffe for supper one night at the reserve, but I like to try different foods when I am in another country, or wherever. I thought it tasted like corn beef, very RED tho. On our safaris we would stop halfway thru and Marvin and Joel would set up (tablecloth, etc.) on the front of our vehicle and we would have coffee, tea, pop, and some homemade goodies from the kitchen back at the reserve. Ummm, good. This was also a pit stop for the boys I think, but Ebby and I passed on that issue. We always stopped in an area which was wide open, no bush, trees, etc., hoping no visitors would stop by to sample our treats. I think we did see a jackal and some other small creatures once in awhile. Marvin said he always respects the animals and doesn't carry a gun on the safari. On one safari we saw what I thought was a piece of rope across the road, but it was caterpillars attached to each other hoping to fool any flying creatures looking for something to eat on the ground. Marvin instantly took us off and around that area of the road. On another safari we were trying to find the lions (I think it was the lions) and we really went into the bush looking for them, another group would call Marvin and away we would go dodging tree limbs, hitting most of the bumps, laughing, having a great time, and hanging on for our life. Oh, what fun we had. Love, G>G>
