Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cape Town "The Mother City"

After flying into Cape Town, Grandma and I took a little siesta and then headed to the ocean front for dinner. We watched the sun set as we ate. It was beautiful. After dinner, we walked around the shopping mall for a little bit and then headed back to the hotel. The next morning we woke up bright and early to start our tour. First we went to a diamond shop, where we got to watch people make diamonds as well as learn more about diamonds. Sadly my budget did not allow me to purchase anything ;) We then visited the barracks where the Dutch soldiers lived. Cape Town was established by the Dutch East India Company as a station for ships to refill supplies before continuing their journey to India and the Far East. However, the British eventually conquered the Dutch and took over the city. After learning about Cape Town's history we headed to the market. There were lots of shops selling all sorts of African made goods. The following day, we went to see the penguins. Our guide took us to a place were we could get within a few feet on the penguins. Grandma was of course overjoyed. We took plenty of pictures and then drove back to Cape Town to go to Robben's Island. In order to get to Robben's Island, you have to take a ferry. Robben's Island was where many political prisoners were held during the Apartheid, including Nelson Mandela. Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years, 18 of which he was at Robben's Island. To learn about the history of South Africa is amazing. I cannot believe how far the country has come over the last 20 years. Robben's Island reminded me of Alcatraz. Overall I thought Cape Town was a beautiful city and I now have a better understanding of South Africa's history.
We made it!

Grandma in prison at the army barracks. 

Where Nelson Mandela gave his first speech after being released from prison after 27 years.  (City Hall)

The first rainbow we saw in South Africa. 

Grandma's favorite (the penguins, not me ;)

Just waiting for someone to open the gate for him. 

Quarry where the prisoners at Robben's Island had to mine for limestone. 

Nelson Mandela's cell 

View of Cape Town from the ferry. Table Mountain is in the background. 

1 comment:

  1. We were supposed to go up to Table Mountain but it was too foggy. Yes, I do love the penguins. Having seen all kinds in Antarctica and Australia, I couldn't miss the "jackass penguins" in Africa. Ebby is also one of my favorites too (Grandkids that is). Capetown is a pretty town. We had pizza at a place near our hotel. It was our guide's birthday when we toured the next day. I think she was more into her birthday day, than us! We went on this huge ferris wheel and really got a beautiful view of Capetown. The guide who took us to see the penguins was an interesting character. Well, guess I'll sign off, LOL, G.G.
