Saturday, June 11, 2011

Johannesburg "The City of Gold"

We began our tour in Johannesburg by visiting the soccer stadium where they played the World Cup. After a quick visit, we headed to SOWETO a black community just outside of Johannesburg. It was originally created for the black miners who were not allowed to live within the city limits. There is still a lot of poverty in the area, but our driver (who lives in SOWETO) said the conditions were slowly improving. However, some shacks do not have running water or electricity. While there, we visited Nelson Mandela's house and passed Archbishops Desmond Tutu's house. It is the only street in the world that had two Nobel Peace Prize winners. Afterwards, we visited the Regina Mundi Church. It was where many students fled on June 16, 1976 when the students who were peacefully demonstrating were attacked by police. The police broke into the church and opened fire. There are still bullet holes in the ceiling and windows. We continued our journey by going to the Hector Pieterson Museum. He was a little boy who was killed during the student demonstration and the museum celebrates the students who were killed and tells their story. After this we ended our day by seeing the Apartheid Museum. On your entry ticket, you are given a race and then have to enter though a specific door. It serves as a reminder to how things use to be. Once inside the museum, you learn all about the Apartheid and how it was eventually overcome. I had an amazing time in Johannesburg and I have learned so much about its history.

Soccer Stadium 


Regina Mundi Church 

Nelson Mandela's Home

Entrance to the Apartheid Museum 


  1. Finally got my "pic" on your blog. This was a very educational day for us in Johannesburg, also our last day of a magnificent trip. Learned all about Mr. Mandela, the Apartheid and other interesting facts. Couldn't believe we saw penguins on Robin Island (where Mandela was held prisoner). The town of Soweto was where most of the uprising occurred. Our guide for the day was from Soweto. Even tasted some African food in a little restaurant across the street from Mandela's house. The rest of the day we spent shopping, eating, and lounging at the hotel pool. LOL, G.G.

  2. I made a spelling misstake on Robin Island, It is Robbens Island. Sorry, G>G>
