Saturday, May 7, 2011

Gibraltar - Am I in England??

My journey to Africa began early Friday morning when I boarded the bus and headed to Gibraltar. It is a British enclave on the southern tip of Spain. We reached our hotel (which was still in Spain) and watched clips of the royal wedding. Then we met up with the entire group and walked to Gibraltar. After showing our passports, we headed into the bizarre little city of Gibraltar. We hopped on board small buses and drove throughout the city. We stopped at an outlook where you could see two continents, Europe and Africa. It is still amazing to me that they are so close. Then we continued up the rock to see the caves. We went into the largest natural cave, but our tour guide explained that there are many manmade caves as well and one of the caves even has a fully equipped hospital. The hospital was used during WWII and was protected from the frequent bombings. After the caves, we were met by monkeys. We brought chocolate with us, so they jumped up onto our backs. Then we took a hike to the top of the rock, where we could see two continents and two oceans. Since Gibraltar is British, but so close to Spain the students grow up learning both Spanish and English and use both languages in the same sentence. The British pound is the local currency, although they also accept euros. It was quite a unique city to say the least!

Rock of Gibraltar 

Mariah, me, Emma

Two Continents-Left Morocco, right Spain



I felt like Queen Elizabeth!

View from the top of the rock

Looking down 

Overlooking Gibraltar 

1 comment:

  1. Another WOW. I think Prudential INs. Co. has the rock of Gibraltar for their logo. Liked the cute little monkey in your picture. The Grimms are back from Florida and they said if we go on this boat ride in Istanbul we will be in part of Asia, so that is my last continent to conquer. Betty liked the old part of Istanbul. We will probably be talking Turkish in Turkey!!! One of the TV stations going to Spain in Sept. is going to stay overnite on the "rock". Sounds exciting. Wish I could win the lottery BIG, I would travel all over the world, and take the rest of the grandkids with me, including you, if you haven't been to some unseen places yet. Wait 'til you see my calling cards the Bucklars gave me for Mother's day. My luggage tags too. Keep traveling, Love you, GG
