Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cabo de Gata

For our final IES trip, we went to Cabo de Gata, a beach about three hours from Granada. We boarded the buses bright and early about halfway there, our bus started making weird noises and was hardly moving. Needless to say it broke down and we had to wait an hour for the other bus to drop everyone else off and then come back and pick us up. No worries though, we had tons of fun sitting on the ground in the middle of a gas station. When we reached our destination, we began our 9 mile hike to the town where we were staying. Since I am not really a hiker, I assumed that it would be more of a walk along the beaches, but I couldn't have been more wrong. We were hiking up and down mountains, at points scaling them and of course there wasn't a path to follow. It got a little scary at points, but the views along the way were worth it. We stopped halfway through and had lunch on a beach and then continued our journey. After about 7 hours of hiking, we finally made it. I don't think I have ever been so relieved to sit down in my life. That night the whole group went out for pizza and then we headed back to our rooms. The next morning we went to the beach to lay out. We swam for a little bit and then went back to soak up so more sun. Later in the afternoon, we began a soccer game on the sand. We had quite a diverse group of players, from people who play for their colleges to people who haven't played in years. Guess which group I related to more? After a fabulous day at the beach we headed back to Granada. When I got home my whole body was sore. I guess not working out for a few months will do that to you. Overall it was a great trip and it was nice to hang out all together one last time. This is my last week of classes and then I have finals all next week. I can't believe I will be leaving Granada so soon. I have had an amazing time here and wish I could stay longer. I hope to do one final post before I leave and then when I get home I will post about my trip with Grandma Ginny!

Start of the 9 mile hike!

Yes we climbed that :)

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful pictures. Was there no way to go around the rock? Must be related to the Gibraltar rock!!! Bet you were aching. I walked with Mom and Doogie this P.M. but just stumbled over some small pebbles, ha, ha. I looked up Safari's on the computer, and white is out of the ? on a safari. Stands out too much. They recommend khaki, beige and other subdued colors. We can conquer Asia if we go on the boat ride. I'm going to ask Mary if that is the one we chose. The grand bazaar in Turkey looks very interesting. The penguins in Cape Town look exciting too. Good luck on your final days, study hard, play hard, oh, have fun too. Love you, can't wait to see you. Grandma Ginny
