Friday, May 27, 2011

Bittersweet Farewell

I cannot believe my journey has come to an end. It seems like just yesterday, I arrived in Granada scared and timid. I could hardly understand anyone and felt like a stranger. However, after these past four months, I have grown to love Granada and I have made so many wonderful new friends. During the past few weeks, I have been enjoying every second that I have left here in Granada. Of course, yesterday (yes two days before I leave), I decided it was finally time to bite the bullet and visit the Alhambra. Procrastination at its best. It was so beautiful and the views of Granada are amazing. My favorite part was definitely the gardens. All of the flowers were in bloom and the roses were magnificent. While I am excited to travel to Istanbul and South Africa with my Grandma Ginny, I am also sad that this chapter of my life has come to a close. I have grown so much as a person. I did something outside of my comfort zone, but it has been the most amazing time of my life. I am a bit nostalgic today remembering all of the fun times I have had here. Tomorrow offers the promise of a very tearful goodbye as I leave my host mom, who is better than I could have ever hoped for, and my roommate Megan, but also a joyous reunion with my grandma. I hope to return to Granada someday, but for now I have to say goodbye. Thank you all for reading my blog over the course of this semester. I have had an amazing journey and I am glad that I could share it with all of you. I will post one more time when I return to the United States, to blog about my trip to Turkey and South Africa as well as upload some pictures. I cannot wait to see all of you in a couple of weeks!

Megan, Amparo's Granddaughter, Alejandra, and Me
(Amparo's son invited us over for a BBQ)

Megan, Alejandra, Me, and David

We had quite the assortment


View of Granada from the Alhambra



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