Sunday, June 12, 2011


After a long plane ride from South Africa to London, grandma and I prepared to take on London. First we took the train into London. We grabbed a quick bite to eat and then walked to Buckingham Palace. The last time I was in London was when I was 8, so it was great to see all of the sights again. The next stop was Westminster Abbey. Grandma and I took lots of pictures and walked around the outside. The little gift shop was filled with souvenirs from William and Kate's wedding. On our way to the Crown Jewels, we passed Big Ben. I remember when I was 8 our tour guide told us that if the clock ever struck the 25th hour, the lions out front would spring to life! The Crown Jewels was by far my favorite. The jewels were spectacular. I am glad we were on a moving side walk to see them otherwise I might have spent all day admiring them. We then watched the London Bridge rise for a boat to pass under and then headed to Harrods. We had a few minutes to look around before the store closed, but it was worth it. Afterwards we walked back to the train station and headed back to the hotel. Overall this has been a fabulous trip. I am very thankful that I was able to go on this journey with my grandma and see so many beautiful places. I have learned a lot during my semester abroad, but I am happy to be returning to the States. It is hard to believe that in four months I have been to seven countries and three continents. I enjoyed ever minute of my experience and can't wait for my next trip! Thank you all for reading my blog. It has been an amazing journey!
In front of my castle!

Buckingham Palace

Westminster Abbey 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Johannesburg "The City of Gold"

We began our tour in Johannesburg by visiting the soccer stadium where they played the World Cup. After a quick visit, we headed to SOWETO a black community just outside of Johannesburg. It was originally created for the black miners who were not allowed to live within the city limits. There is still a lot of poverty in the area, but our driver (who lives in SOWETO) said the conditions were slowly improving. However, some shacks do not have running water or electricity. While there, we visited Nelson Mandela's house and passed Archbishops Desmond Tutu's house. It is the only street in the world that had two Nobel Peace Prize winners. Afterwards, we visited the Regina Mundi Church. It was where many students fled on June 16, 1976 when the students who were peacefully demonstrating were attacked by police. The police broke into the church and opened fire. There are still bullet holes in the ceiling and windows. We continued our journey by going to the Hector Pieterson Museum. He was a little boy who was killed during the student demonstration and the museum celebrates the students who were killed and tells their story. After this we ended our day by seeing the Apartheid Museum. On your entry ticket, you are given a race and then have to enter though a specific door. It serves as a reminder to how things use to be. Once inside the museum, you learn all about the Apartheid and how it was eventually overcome. I had an amazing time in Johannesburg and I have learned so much about its history.

Soccer Stadium 


Regina Mundi Church 

Nelson Mandela's Home

Entrance to the Apartheid Museum 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Safari "The Big Five"

After landing on the longest runway in the Southern Hemisphere, we were met by a driver who drove us to the game reserve. When we arrived, most of the staff was waiting to meet us. We were the only people staying there that night, so we had the place to ourselves. We had a quick lunch and then went out on our first safari. Marvin was our driver and Joel was our tracker. It is amazing how they pick up animal tracks and can follow them. We were able to see lions, giraffes, impalas, hippos, baboons, and zebras. After an eventful first ride, we went back to our room and got dressed for dinner. We had to get to bed early because Marvin told us he would be calling at 5:30 to wake us up.

I felt like I had just fallen asleep, when the next thing I know Marvin is calling. We quickly got up and dressed and then headed to meet Marvin and Joel. Once again we saw a lot of animals including elephants. However, the best part of the day by far occurred at lunch. We were eating outside when all of the sudden we noticed a little monkey in the tree. One of the waitresses started shooing it away, but grandma said she wanted to take a picture of it. No sooner had she taken her camera out of its case, the money had swung down run across the patio, and snatched the piece of bread right off grandma's plate. It was absolutely hilarious, I could not stop laughing.

Our afternoon safari was also quite entertaining. About an hour into it, these two guys joined us. I cannot even fathom where they might have been. We were in the middle of nowhere and they were an hour late. We were having a little snack and all of the sudden I hear a phone ringing. I look over and the guys picks it up and answers it. I could not believe it. I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and tell us we just got punked. Then we are out on the drive and he gets another phone call. It was unreal. Then Marvin takes us to see some elephants and the guy is absolutely terrified. It was quite an interesting night to say the least.

Our last game drive of the trip, we went out in the morning. At first we were not really seeing too much and I was beginning to get a little disappointed. Then Marvin begins radioing back and forth with another driver. He had spotted two cheetahs. The next thing I know, Marvin is telling Joel to get out of the truck. Then Marvin turns to grandma and I and tell us we will be following him. I of course am wearing flip-flops and thinking he cannot be serious. He tells us we have to stay in a single file line and if another animal comes, we need to remain still. I am now having a heart attack. Joel and Marvin are whistling back and forth to one another and then we see Joel. He is close to a cheetah eating a water bug (similar to an antelope). I am absolutely stunned. Here we are standing less than 10 feet away from a cheetah. There were two of them, one would eat while the other one kept watch and then they would switch. It was definitely one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I am glad that is how we ended our journey and that we were not eaten ;)
Sunset the first night. 

Baby White Rhino

Giraffe and wildebeest 

Hippo (most dangerous animal in Africa)



Water Buffalo 


Elephants taking a dirt bath 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cape Town "The Mother City"

After flying into Cape Town, Grandma and I took a little siesta and then headed to the ocean front for dinner. We watched the sun set as we ate. It was beautiful. After dinner, we walked around the shopping mall for a little bit and then headed back to the hotel. The next morning we woke up bright and early to start our tour. First we went to a diamond shop, where we got to watch people make diamonds as well as learn more about diamonds. Sadly my budget did not allow me to purchase anything ;) We then visited the barracks where the Dutch soldiers lived. Cape Town was established by the Dutch East India Company as a station for ships to refill supplies before continuing their journey to India and the Far East. However, the British eventually conquered the Dutch and took over the city. After learning about Cape Town's history we headed to the market. There were lots of shops selling all sorts of African made goods. The following day, we went to see the penguins. Our guide took us to a place were we could get within a few feet on the penguins. Grandma was of course overjoyed. We took plenty of pictures and then drove back to Cape Town to go to Robben's Island. In order to get to Robben's Island, you have to take a ferry. Robben's Island was where many political prisoners were held during the Apartheid, including Nelson Mandela. Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years, 18 of which he was at Robben's Island. To learn about the history of South Africa is amazing. I cannot believe how far the country has come over the last 20 years. Robben's Island reminded me of Alcatraz. Overall I thought Cape Town was a beautiful city and I now have a better understanding of South Africa's history.
We made it!

Grandma in prison at the army barracks. 

Where Nelson Mandela gave his first speech after being released from prison after 27 years.  (City Hall)

The first rainbow we saw in South Africa. 

Grandma's favorite (the penguins, not me ;)

Just waiting for someone to open the gate for him. 

Quarry where the prisoners at Robben's Island had to mine for limestone. 

Nelson Mandela's cell 

View of Cape Town from the ferry. Table Mountain is in the background. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Istanbul - Where the East meets the West

Our journey to Istanbul began when I met my Grandma Ginny in Madrid. Not only was her flight delayed, but then we discovered that her luggage was lost, so not really the best start to our trip. However, when we finally arrived at our hotel, we went for a little walk, I took my last siesta in Spain, and then we went out for dinner, where I had my final tinto de verano (red wine and lemon fanta). The next morning we woke up and drove to the airport where we picked up my grandma's luggage and then headed to our gate. The flight was four hours, so we didn't arrive in Istanbul until 5:30. It is the only city in the world that straddles two continents. Turkey reminds me a lot of Morocco, but its more modernized. We had a shuttle service from the airport to our hotel and then we went out for our first Turkish meal. It took a mere three and a half hours. The waiters were quite comical. We began with hummus, followed by a lamb stew, and finally for dessert we had ice cream with a chocolate cake. I also had my first apple tea, which was delicious. Overall the meal was quite an experience and everything was very flavorful! The next morning we began with a tour of the city. We went to the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace (Ottoman sultan’s residence), underground cistern (for those of you who watch the Bachelorette, it is where Allie had a date), we visited a pottery shop, where we learned how to make pottery, followed by an oriental rug display. We even watched them fly ;) I got to try and guess what??? I was actually able to do it almost perfectly. I think the store owner was a bit surprised because he offered me a free rug if I could do it, but sadly he didn’t come through with his offer. Our last stop of the day was the Grand Bazaar. It was filled with anything and everything you could imagine. Tuesday we took a tour of the Spice Bazaar, where we smelled and tasted teas, spices, dried fruit, and nuts. Then we went for a cruise on the Bosphorus River, where we were able to see both sides of Istanbul (Asia and Europe). Grandma and I then walked to the Hagia Sophia (one of the seven wonders of the world!) and meandered around town. Wednesday we went to the Dolmabahce Palace (similar to our White House). It was by far the most ornate palace I have ever seen. They used over 14 tons of gold and 40 tons of silver. It is situated right on the water, so the views are also spectacular. We lucked out because the other group that was suppose to be on the tour with us cancelled, so we ended up with a private tour!! After the palace we drove to the highest point on the Asia side. There we walked around and took pictures and then stopped to have a nice cup of tea. Tonight we went to dinner and a show, where we watched belly-dancers, traditional turkish folklore dancing, and listened to music. Tomorrow we have a free day, which we will spend wandering around the city and then we have a night flight to South Africa. This trip to Istanbul has been amazing and I can’t imagine a better travel buddy :) Only one more day until Grandma has made it to all 7 continents!! South Africa here we come!!!!!!!!!!

Dinner the first night (Love the waiter in the background)

Inside the Blue Mosque

Front of the Blue Mosque

Topkapi Palace 

Inside the Cistern 

Pottery Demonstration 

Spice Bazaar 

Dolmabahce Palace from the River

Inside Hagia Sophia

Grandma making a wish

Entrance to Dolmabahce Palace

World Travelers!!! 

Looking out over the Bosphorus

Turkish flag with flowers 

Grandma makes it to ASIA!!! (One more day and then all 7 continents will be visited)

View of European side from Asian side

Belly Dancers

Traditional Folklore Dancers